Large Scanning TCT

Large Scanning-TCT aims for the same applications as Scanning TCT. The main difference with respect to the latter is the vertical placement of the optical system and larger and more robust stages that can carry heavy load.

The mounting surface is cooled by a combination of several Peltier elements with the combined power of 200W. The mounting plane is much larger and allows also for wider range of movements. Performance wise the properties of both systems are similar.

It can be used for standard and Edge-TCT measurements. Edge-TCT enables measurements of charge collection and carrier velocity profiles– crucial for understanding the performance of heavily irradiated detectors.

Component Parameter Properties
Laser diode
wavelength: 660 nm or 1064 nm (optional others on demand)
pulse power: few m.i.p. – 100 m.i.p. (equivalent in 300 micron Si)
pulse width: <350 ps – 4000 ps (tunable)
coupling: single core fibre
control: with PC over USB
running mode: single pulse: 50 Hz – 1MHz
pattern mode: mHz to 100 kHZ
1024 bits deep sequence of pulses
minimum distance between two pulses 440 ns
external control: external NIM logical signal
I/O: ext. trigger in/trigger out MC/trigger out laser
beam spot (FWHM): <11 microns@1064 nm, <8 microns@660 nm
coupling: fibre coupled
attenuation: through collimator on beam-expander
experimenal box: 78 cm x 60 cmx 60 cm (HxWxL)
translation: 3-axis computer controlled
load/stage: 50 kg
moving range: 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm (x,y,z)
position resolution: < 1 micron
Control: via USB
amplifier: 53 dB
Bias-T range: >1000 V
frequency range: <0.3 MHz->3000 MHz
Mounting table
cooling type: Peltier element
heat remover: water / inlets provided
cooling power: 200W (4x50W) – dT>40C
test sample box: 2.5×3 cm2 – testing box
mounting plane: 20×20 cm2
Full DAQ: adaptation for specific oscilloscope, power source on demand
analysis software: root based package