AliVata System
AliVata System is a portable and compact readout system for microstrip sensor characterization
ALIVATA is based on the GPn and HDRn ASCIC families of IDEAS and enables the user to read out or characterize each individual volume of silicon micro-dosimeters, silicon strip or pad sensors as well as SiPM based detector systems. Features
- 1 keV energy resolution
- Peaking time depends on the ASIC : 50 ns (fast) 500 ns (slow) for the GP7
- Up to 4 data streams with a max. of 16 chips on each of the streams
- Connectivity PC by UDP (Ethernet)
- TDC resolution better than 100ps
- Autotrigger
- External trigger
- Voltage supply: +5 V
- Data Acquisition Software for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
This product is sold under license of Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Valencia (Spain).