Alibava Systems at ESRF User Meeting 2021


ESRF User Meeting 2021


The annual event dedicated to the ESRF user community: learn about, discuss and experience the science and cutting-edge research made with ESRF synchrotron light.


The annual ESRF User Meeting will take place in early February 2021, six months into user operation with the ESRF-EBS, the world’s first and brightest 4th generation high energy source. All over the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown up major challenges for continuing activities and large user research facilities are no exception. Despite these challenges, the ESRF opened its doors to the first users of the EBS source on 25thAugust, as planned. User operation started via remote experiments on all ESRF beamlines, to minimise any risk to the health of both users and staff.

The online ESRF User Meeting will be an excellent opportunity to hear the latest research and technical news, including the latest news on COVID-19 research at the ESRF. Although the current public health situation in Europe does not allow us to hold the meeting on site, the programme of the virtual meeting has been designed to encourage users and scientists interested in the ESRF to attend, hear the latest scientific and technical news, and interact remotely from the comfort of their office or home.

Alibava Systems at the online Commercial Exhibitor Room will be presenting the synchrotron-related equipment: Beam Intensity and Position Monitors besides the Picoammeter.

Alibava Systems Beam Intensity and Position Monitors

Beam Intensity and Position Monitors

The photons you lose at least count

Alibava Systems Picoammeter


Especially suited for applications where multi-channel fast acquisition is a concern I.E. Feedback Systems
The event will be next Tuesday 9th of February 2021 from 9:00 to 17:00h (Central European Time or UTC+2) at the online Alibava Systems Commercial Exhibitor Room of the ESRF User Meeting.
For attending, please register (no registration fee) on the following link to receive the Zoom meeting invitation: