Quality Assurance methodology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker strip sensor production
M.Ullán, P. Allport, K. Dette, V. Fadeyev, J. Fernández-Tejero, C. Fleta, L. Gonella, I. Kopsalis, R.S. Orr, Y. Unno.Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A. Volume 981, 21 November 2020, 164521.
Abstract: The production of the strip sensors for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) will start in 2020. Nearly 22,000 large area sensors will be produced over a period of about five years by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK). The institutes involved in the sensor development and production are committed to deliver and maintain the highest quality sensors for the experiment. A Quality Assurance (QA) strategy has been prepared to be carried out during the whole production period. Once the process has been characterized as providing the required pre-irradiation specifications and the proper radiation hardness, the onus is on the manufacturer to rigidly stick to that qualified process. Still, sample testing with specific device-element structures and irradiation of devices should be implemented by the ITk sensor collaboration.